Ask GPT Questions About Your Own Documents – AptGPT-Lite

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We are releasing a small free web-app called AptGPT-Lite. It allows you to augment OpenAI’s GPT knowledge with information from your own documents. In order to use AptGPT-Lite you need a valid OpenAI API key (you can get one here.). Once you provide your key, you can upload your documents to AptGPT-Lite and it will process them using OpenAI’s APIs. Once they are processed, you can now ask any questions about these documents. Please note that you need to have an account with some credit available on OpenAI’s website. When you sign up for a new account on OpenAI’s website your account is granted a $5 credit (previously $18) for free. However, this credit has an expiration date. You can check the status of your account here.

Disclaimer: We are providing this web-app free of charge. However, if you have a paid OpenAI account, using their API through our app will incur costs to your OpenAI account. For the pricing details please refer to Please note that processing the documents and sending queries will both incur costs to your account although at different rates per token as described in Free OpenAI accounts will be provided with an initial credit ($5 or $18) and the usage will be counted towards that credit. Please refer to your account usage information for details (

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